-. Tasks to compensate for the need for balance in the output. Exit quickly
forward, backward ... from what I go faster?
to find a body position grouped in the output. Try out different ways (with
legs straight, bent ... What is the most effective? (Put spring example)
and walking
"The Gathering." -. A player stares, and all the others form a team.
At the signal, the player gets run in one direction around the track. While
other participants do so in the opposite direction. When found, the player is
encouraged to try to catch one more potential players. Those who are given will
join him in a chain to go trapping the rest.
2 "The passing rings." - Players stand in rows of six components,
spaced two meters apart and each carrying a ring medium, which be located
vertically in front of them. At the signal, the player is standing collarless,
and front row, will begin a going over all the hoops career. Once passed the
last, subject said ring, while the wearer will have to go through all the hoops
inside to put the last row. Then the second exit and at the end will stay with
the penultimate hoop.
"Relay rising." -. Players from each team are arranged in rows. The
first participant will go on high speed until a pivot located 15 meters away
you will have to surround and back, taking the next partner Row hand, to carry
out the same route. The game ends when all the components reach the goal.
The handkerchief.
5. Face and cross.
Rock, paper, scissors.
Casa tenant - In trios..; two players with arms around a third. A person is not
flat and says, left wall, right wall, tenant and earthquake. In the first three
cases people with that role changed. If earthquake is said, must change and
form new apartments.
9 hug. - Two teams on either side of the centerline. At the signal, run and
touch the baseline and re-embrace with his partner. The last couple will do the
next time out.
rabbit hunting -.. Players freely positioned within a field marked game. Three
players will make hunters. The headdresses are placed on the ground grouped.
The rest will free them by jumping over.
Task 2 -.. Contents Vallos jump racing.
Round the ring -.. Players are arranged in groups of six, sitting on the floor
in rows facing crosswise. Players will be numbered from front to rear. When
naming a number should make a career in the direction of clockwise past a fence
placed behind the last of each row, after passing its own row. They should sit
in place before the rest. A score is awarded to the group by the order of
Relay increasing.
Tasks relay -.. Couple, one a little ahead carrying a witness. Where
appropriate the warning exchanged.
spot -..'s Take a ball from behind with that try to touch the front. If
successful, it will go to stand in front to perform delivery as in the previous
Waivers groups -. Deliver witness behind.
Relay round -. Groups of 4-6 players standing at midfield. The first group will
be heading towards a baseline for underfoot and return to the center, where the
second player on his team, to see him pass by reference, will go in the
direction opposite the bottom line will be.
travelator -.. Rows of 6 or 8 players facing two feet away are formed. Players
will be seated and the last of each row will be the bearer of witness. When the
token reaches the first row, will rise up and run to put the last of the other
row. Defeat the first team to switch to all components of row.
7 mill -. Placed in four rows facing two to two (forming a cross) and standing.
At the signal, the first of each group will begin a relay race behind the last
of each row. At the second of his rank will give the witness. Delivery will
always back.
1 Duties: Chain beaten with few running steps (whipped three running steps,
whipped, career ... three steps); vary the number of steps between whipped and
whipped; whipped and fall into the guardrail mat.
"kangaroo relay." -. Equipment, a relay race in which participants
have to travel to jumps, carrying a ball between the legs is performed.
"The Lion." -. Players are arranged in groups of 10 One lion and will
be placed on all fours, being movable.. Those who are standing keep a ball
between your legs and avoid the lion steals, which can be moved to bounce. The
lion managed to remove a ball between the legs, the tracker should become
another lion more. The activity ends when all are lions.
Guardrail jump on.
6 Triple jump -. Left-lr
Sálvate jumping.
Leaping bottle lying -.. Teams 5-6 players lying in a line and separated about
8 meters enter if. Jump row peers and placed at the end.
9 spring springer -. Teams of 5-6. The first with a run of three steps, perform
a jump. Then the following jumps from where he had fallen the previous and so
Jumped 10 scarf -. Players are divided into two teams. In the center two of
them are placed, one on the right and one on the left, on a chair and holding a
handkerchief in his hand. The components of each team must jump from a signal
located at one meter and thirty cm., Take the handkerchief back to the starting
point and submit again. If you step on the line or put your foot in front of
it, they should try again.
hopscotch -.. Skip to race, beating from a line and try to fall into the high
"ball moved." -. Several medicine balls are placed in the center of
the field. At the ends of two groups of 5 players provided minibasket balls are
placed. All players will launch at the same time required to decrease the heavy
balls and make them reach the area of counter brand (both). Supports all kinds
of ways to launch.
"Battle of balls." -. Two teams. Each team will have the same number of
balls. For a minute each team will their balls to the opposite field to try to
stay at the end of time with the least possible number of balls in their field.
3 flying saucer -. Scoring on a series of hoops.
Hopscotch with disk.
5 La petanque -. Consistent game aim to launch from a marked area, in order to
approximate the weight as close as possible to a pre medicine ball thrown by a
player. The ball closest to the ball at the end of the game, will win, may
during the game, hitting a ball against another.
clock -.. A group is arranged in a circle while a medicine ball two to three
kgs to be passed. The second will be placed in a row in front of the point
corresponding to 12 hours, the first player carrying a weight of 2kgs. At the
signal, the field group will start passing the ball continuously. The other
will leave the ball at midnight and will tour the clock, to get the ball passes
it to the next and so on.
Passes indiaca.
Pulling a pole attached to a cone.
The three stripes
Ball tower four.
Bowling -.. Centre people.
12 -.. Peso on the jaw. Vertical Launch fruit of momentum provided by the
throwing arm extension.
13 -.. With both feet parallel and facing forward, legs bent, vertical trunk,
weight located in the jaw. Weight will be launched through the full leg
extension (tested with different angles of leg flexion).
Earn 14 points Four -. 4 players, throw a tire two feet away. The first player
throws. If you get a second tire dunk standing, and so on to complete a column
4 tires.
15. Hunters and rabbits.
ball sitting -.. Two or three with the ball. The headdress sits there. To save
having to pick up a ball that goes out on the floor, but before you get has to
save fellow / wiping as the ball.
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