Team´s Games

• The centipede. - In groups of 4 to 6 players in fours and grabbed by the ankles move forward.
• Posa ball. - In teams of 4 or 5 players, located at one end of the field. A signal must place the ball as quickly as possible behind the baseline. The ball must not touch the ground. The holder can not give more than three steps followed. It is not allowed to return the ball after it just happened.
• The Hunting of the ball. -Each team stands behind their line. In the middle is a large ball. Each component of each team has a ball. A signal trying to move the ball launches from the medium by the other balls.
• Canadian Ball -. Two teams. One team stands behind the starting line and the other in the field dispersion. About 15 meters from the line a flag is set. The first team player who is behind the line throws the ball a kick and immediately runs towards the flag, passes behind him and returns to the starting point. The other team must catch the ball and try to touch the running. You can pass the ball between them. If you play, scoring 1 point.
• Strength -. Players freely placed throughout the grounds except in the circle. Reciprocally marked. Between the two circles two players, one from each team (porters) are located. Each has a equpo frontcourt. This area corresponds Attack adverse backcourt (the two circles). Passes through the hands, players must put in a position to throw the bottle in the center. Two-time of 10 minutes each are played. It marks a bit each time the bottle is thrown by a player with the ball. Attackers are prohibited from pulling out of the area concerned. Followed three steps with the ball, penetrate inside the circle, leaving the confines of the land, or send the ball out of the pitch. Loading spaces violently. The aggressiveness or are punished with kicks free kick. For the defense: Goalkeepers may stop the ball with any part of the body. They are forbidden to enter the small circle and cross the center line.
• Chasing balls: Two teams placed in a circle, alternating jugodores of both teams. Each team has a ball. Each team must pass the ball to their teammates. This is the most backward ball team forward to the contrary. If successful, a point is scored. The maximum number of turns is 5. If it does not, the point goes to the other team. Then is performed in reverse.
• Dodge ball: A team within a square (marked with cones or bases); other equipment on the contour and ball. The team tries to play outside with the ball to remove the adverse players. Interior Dodge Team or attempts to block the ball on the fly to remove the pitcher. The length is determined before the game (5 or 10 minutes). The winning team is the one that gets to leave the largest number of players in game. Other sleeve is played by changing the roles of each team.
• Battle of Balls: The two teams have the same number of balls. Each team is in its field. At the first sign, each team sends hand balls to the opposite field. A second stop signal launch and the team with the least turnovers in his own half a point is awarded. The time between the first signal and the second should be short: 3or4 minutes.
• Watch: A team in a circle about 4 steps away from the players. The other is placed in a row on one side of the circle. Team located in a circle to do the maximum number of complete the circle based passes (hours) tours. Simultaneously, the team must perform in line relay races around the circle (clock). The game ends when the last player of the spine ended his career. Then the roles are reversed. The team that has made most passes (hours).
• Go through the tunnel: For teams lined up holding her by the shoulders and legs open. At the signal, the first passes between the legs of the following and will engage to last. It is reshaping the team. Win before you succeed.
• Race camber in relays.
• Relay pediment: The first row throws the ball against the wall and the last row is placed. The second volley ball gets thrown against the wall and stood at the end of the line ...
Goat: Equipment column. The first column of each sale in fours pushing the ball with his head. Go around behind the ring and handing the ball back to the next one goes in his turn. The team that makes the path before all its components.
• Track Relay: Players are divided into columns (caterpillars). Each "track" try to get the first without being sustained falling balls between her breasts and shoulders. If one or more balls fall, the track can be re-train and re-start the journey from the place he has fallen.
• Standing-sitting Relay: Team 6-8 players. It's about being the first team to recover the initial training. At the signal, the captain of each team throws the ball to the first player who returns the row before sitting. The captain then throws the ball to the second player who returns before sitting. The captain then throws the ball to the second player, who returned before sitting down ... When the ball reaches the last player in line, this, instead of sitting, took the place of the captain, who was the first of the standing row; relieve the other players and the game begins again.

• Control flags -. Snatch is the flag of the opposing team and take it to your field, keeping his. Each team sets a flag in their field who will defend remaining outside the field. Each player puts a handkerchief at the waist so that it protrudes. It will serve as "life." The game starts at the signal and each team tries to catch the flag of the opponent. They can only act with the players 'life' that is in possession of the handkerchief. Any player who has been caught handkerchief becomes a prisoner and moved to the opposite camp. Stay there until a player of his team will return the "life" giving a handkerchief won an adversary. Defenders can not get inside his own half. Only atancantes puedne penetrate and remain safe. If a player in possession is touched Pennant deposits it on the floor in the place where it has been. This flag can be recovered by a player of one of the fields, either to snatch, is to return to your site. The game ends when one team has two flags in their field.

• Hoop Ball - 4. Hoops and a ball. Each ring is placed one player from Team A, save (one); while the other team runs around the square. The team with the ball can pass it to any of your team may not leave the circle to get it. Similarly, it passes it to another player, and so on. The B team, try to catch the ball, getting ahead, jumping, etc. When they get it, will be placed in circles, passing the ball, and the other will be in the center. Every time the ball is recovered, that team scores a goal. Beat the team that comes before a certain number of points.

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