
It is a sports game of Swedish origin, a very simple team sport played allowing from the beginning of his practice a great turnout. Is very similar to hockey in its various forms. The object is to get the ball by hitting it with the stick in the opposite goal, thus achieving a goal or both, winning the team scoring higher scoring, not receive, during the 40 minutes it takes a match. 

(For equipment over 16 three periods of 20 minutes playing time).

Each team consists of 5 players and 1 goalkeeper (over 16 years) and for 4 players and a goalie (under 16 years). Field players play with stick, while goalkeeper will do without him, and can not leave the goal area, but is permitted to touch, hold, kick, throw and run the ball with any part of the body. 

Turf -. 24 m long by 15 m. wide. The goal area is 4 meters by 3 meters wide. The goals are separated from the background field by a distance of 3 meters. 
The goals must have measures 160 cm. wide by 115 cm. high and 65 cm. deep. 
Allowed actions: 
• Hitting or direct the ball to both sides of the stick. 
• Stop the ball with the stick, feet or chest. 
• Steer the ball with his foot to his own stick. 
• Play curb. 
• Remove the ball without hitting an opponent's stick. 
• Meter stick in the goal crease. 
Actions not allowed: 
• Forfeited free throw with: 
Sign in or goal area if an attacker. 
o Raise the stick above the knee. 
or Stop a ball head or hand. 
or Pass the ball to another player with his foot (pass). 
Playing ball or lying on the ground. 
or pushing the opponent. 
o Raise the stick or hook the opponent. 
• Punished with a penalty: 
or pushing, grabbing or tripping the contrary. 
Taking or stick or insulting. 
or Log in or put a body part in the goal, if a defending player. 
Move the goal or to prevent a goal. 
• All of these rules can be modified as appropriate. 
• "Reduce the balls." - Two teams, each on a field, it is to hit the balls that are scattered on the ground with the stick, trying to have as many of them in the attacking half. 
• "Sweep balls." - Two teams. The team will be driving a ball with each other, with the stick. When you dial the teacher, others come to steal balls. 
"Ball fireplace." - All in a circle, except for two people who will be out, trying to get a ball into the circle to hit it with the stick, 
• "Ball Crazy." - All driving the ball with the stick, it will increasingly delimiting the field and try not to hit others 
Idem trying to steal the ball from the other. 
• "How to run my ball." - Couples, each with two sticks and a ball. A player hits the ball and the other should take it as soon as possible. 
• "Take the stick." - All the ground running. There will be many sticks on the ground as people. At the signal, a stick as quickly as possible be caught. 
• "Dog and Cat" groups of 6 persons are 5 passed ball, and the other tries to steal it. 
• "Scarecrow." - Each player with a stick and a ball, trying to keep the ball balanced on the blade of the stick and make travel to the field. 
• "The infernal path." - Can be made tours jackets dribbling cones placed by way of carrying the ball over the line, over a guardrail mat if you have one ... 
• "The Clock." - Two teams. A team standing in a circle, passing a ball with sticks and counting passes; the other, meanwhile, will relay, so that each relief surrounds the post. Then the roles are reversed, and the team that has made more passes wins. 
• "The Tunnel" -. Couples, one open and one leg passes the ball in the middle as many times, hitting it with the stick. 
• "The ball immortal." - Groups of 6 Each one with a stick.. It is hitting the ball with the stick blade preventing it from falling. 
• "The cop with the stick." - The goal is to touch the stick of escaping. 
• "The rat looking." - All sitting shoulder to shoulder, hands behind your back, passing a ball, but one that will be in front, standing, trying to guess who has the ball. 
• "Bocce." - A mark is placed on the floor, and the goal is to bring as much as possible the ball to hit that mark with the stick. 
• "Lines." - Each player with a stick and a ball, drive it through the different field lines, and when crossed with a person, change direction. 
• "Pass The 10" - Two teams.; each player with a stick, you have to spend vecer the ball 10 straight without being stolen opponents.
• "Objects." - Everyone with a ball and a stick, you have to touch things that are said without losing control of it. 
• "Middle Game" - Each team midfield.; one attacks trying to get a goal for five minutes, and the other avoids it and lost time. Then the roles are changed. 
• "Relay." - Can be made individually relay driving the ball, passing it by pairs, making autopases ... 
• "Follow to mother." - 4 groups of 6 people each are made. Members of each group will row; the first will by performing various movements and imitate others. 
• "Land, Sea and Air" - all in a circle and one in the middle.; each one has a stick, and the center will pass the ball to someone, while saying "earth", "sea" or "air". Whoever receives the pass you the name of an animal that lives in that environment. 
• "Titanic." - All a stick and a ball, there are two or three people who will be in a limited part of the field (a circle, for example), trying to get all the balls there. 
• "Tunnel dangerous." - Two teams are made. The team members will be made in pairs, facing each other, passing a ball with sticks. The other group will go through the middle driving the ball with the stick, trying to not treat others. 

Floorball WEBQUEST 
It is a sports game of Swedish origin, a very simple team sport played allowing from the beginning of his practice a great turnout. Is very similar to hockey in its various forms. The object is to get the ball by hitting it with the stick in the opposite goal, thus achieving a goal or both, winning the team scoring higher scoring, not receive, during the 40 minutes it takes a match. 
(For equipment over 16 three periods of 20 minutes playing time).
You'll do a research floorball. To do this you must answer the following questions and write their answers on a sheet DinA4. You must look after the presentation, spelling and handwriting. 
1. Where and when the floorball arises? 
2. How many players make up a team flloorball? Can the goalkeeper out of the area? 
3. How long does a game of floorball? 
4. Which are your ground rules?