Judo, numbers, objects in
the room, etc.. All students must take the fall
previously reported
(ushiro, or mae yoko).
Cleared by the last judoka
rises, which is bad fall, the speaker, which is
"Goatee" for a
mate, etc..
For the fall rolling
forward (Zempo kaiten ukemi) we can use a belt in Judo
with which we make a circle
on the mat and all students are doing the fall
getting your foot in the
circle by the side that is going to roll.
Cleared by touching the
belt, no wheel on the same side, etc..
We may also use a cane or a
stick that have to grab the judokas before
Bowling, putting obstacles
(belt bench colleagues lying, etc..) to jump over,
but these forms is
advisable to practice them when the basic forms are mastered.
• Objectives:
• Improve ways to fall.
• Attention.
• Reaction rate.
2 Lion. All students are standing under the "chosen", the lion, which
is on all fours
must navigate a boundary
marking tatami Professor, trying to touch their
peers. When a judoka is
touched by the lion, lion becomes too and wins
Finally judoka who stands.
• Objectives:
• Activation of the
cardiovascular system.
• Notion of game limit.
Judoka says ...: Professor appointing a student who manage, with
simple instructions
(running, lifting his right arm touching the ear,
sitting, etc.. ), The rest
of the class. This always starts judoka indicate
each year saying their
first name followed by says. For example, if
Daniel called, begins:
Daniel says ...
• Objectives:
• Knowledge of the body.
• Knowledge and respect
simple rules
Statues: The judokas are freely running around the mat. When the teacher says "Statue", everyone stops and stay
completely still. Those who move, fall,
speakers, etc.., get out, winning
the last judoka left "petrified".
• Objectives:
• Improve Care.
• Reaction rate.
• Reflections.
• Balance.
5 Elephant: A student is "chosen" and should be
attached elephant nose with one hand and Place the other arm that gap, as a
"horn". With this horn, you play the rest peer in a given time. Is
then chosen another "elephant" and so on.
Win judoka
"elephant" that gets more play mates.
• Objectives:
• Knowledge of the body.
• Coordination.
• Displacement.
• Notion of time.
Using belts. Numerous exercises and games that can be performed
using belts
Judo, for example:
1. The students are placed
in pairs and each pair forms a circle on the mat with belt one. They grab the
gi and try to kick the fellow a foot or two inside circle.
Muscle tone.
Notion of pulling and
. 7 partridge hunting. Groups of three judokas
are formed, the two hands
hands forming a
circle where you have to catch the third judoka (Partridge) that runs freely in the mat.
It will be changing
positions every so often.
• Objectives:
• Reflections.
• Cooperation.
• Skill.
The belt: It's the classic game of "handkerchief", adapted to the mat.
form two teams with
students and each class is assigned a
number. When
Professor, holding a belt folded in half in the
center of the two
teams, indicates a number, the judokas of each team
that number have
come to the center to take the belt. The first that comes to a goal
previously marked with a belt in his hand, earns a point for
appearance. Numbers
can be repeated several times, so that all
judokas have to be
vigilant all the time. The team that
before reaching a
certain score in advance, eg. 20pts.
• Objectives:
• Adapting to the rules.
• Skill.
The snack: groups of three are formed two face to face and
the third in the
middle of the other two. The judokas of the sides must
which is in the center, which remains erect, without crashing.
Every so often, they
are changing positions.
• Objectives:
• Muscle tone.
• Control of the body.
• Trust in partners.
The tunnel: two or more groups of students placed in rows are
formed, one after other and with spread legs (forming a tunnel.) Go through the
tunnel in the last team, having to go ahead and stand, without knocking down
any partner. win judoka fastest get it and score points for the final victory
of his team.
• Objectives:
• Agility.
• Cooperation.
• Reaction rate.
Dancing Judo. Groups of 8-10 judokas, holding hands are formed by
forming a circle. From that position, they have to move and try to overthrow or
at least sit in the tatami colleagues who have left and right making sweeps.
each judoka being knocked down, leaving the circle, winning the last one standing.
• Objectives:
• Notion sweep (harai).
• Coordination of
action-reaction and transport
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