Tuesday, 22 November 2022

Physical Activity

 Any type of physical activity usually responds to the intrinsic motivations of those who practice it, in addition to promoting interpersonal relationships, amongst others.

Sedentary brings the risk of illnesses, such as obesity, hypertension, high cholesterol and unhealthy habits, such as alcohol and tobacco consumption, which can all lead to heart attacks and strokes. We must remember that a lot of people dies due to sedentary lifestyle.

We can say that a healthy lifestyle is everyone´s desire and that´s the way we want to live and phsyical activity can help us to achieve this. Regular physical activity promotes good feelings, increases body temperature which reduces muscle tension, and promotes relaxation, regulates biorhthms, and improves sleep, has antidepressant and tranquilising effects, brings feelings of wellbeing, eliminates stress, and helps to gain increased autonomy and self-confidence.

There are many activities that we can practise in the natural environment such as rock climbing, rappelling, hayaking or paragliding, amongst many others. 

Physical exercise promotes health, and must therefore be integrated into the scheme of life, mor as a habit, without becoming a sacrifice or obligation, but rather lead to an entertanining and more rewarding experience.

Gymnastics.- its a form of physical exercise characterised by activities and systematic exercises which pursue specific therapeutic, educational and competitive purpose.

Sports.-  it is any physical activity that has a competitive purpose and is subject to fixed rules. Different outdoor recreational activities such as mountain climbing and diving are also included in this category.

Physical Education.- it is the discipline that deals with the teaching and learning of the different fields of physical activity. Its purpose is to promote the development of the body and spread the benefits derived from its practice.

Physical exercise and health

The human body is designed to move and a sedentary life usually leads to diseases and even premature death.

There are many health benefits in performing regular physical activity and its impact can be seen at many levels:

  • Cardiac.- reduces the risk of coronary heart disease, because it increases the size of the heart and reduces heart rate so that the organ gets less tired.
  • Vascular.- the number of red blood cells, leukocytes and lymphocytes, increases and improves blood circulation and elasticity of the arteries.
  • Respiratory: increases lung capacity and decreases the number of breaths per minute.
  • Muscular: muscles gain strength and endurance, increase in size and elasticity and improve motor coordination.
  • When we perform physical exercises, our bodies release endorphins, substances responsible for the sensation of pleasure and well-being achieved after the activity.
  • Bone: increases bone density, vascularization and bone mineral retention.
  • Articular: strengthens the elements constituting the joints, that is, cartilage, ligaments...
  • Metabolic: increases the level of good cholesterol and lowers that of bad cholesterol, maintains glucose at adequate levels and facilitates the removal of toxins.
  • Mental:  brings a sense of general well-being, improves mood and emotions and increaes self-image, reduces anxity and stress, helps to fight depression and reduces the risk ot its appearance.
  • Other benefits: in addition to he above, physical exercise reduces the risk of some cancers and diabetes, helps to control obesity and excess weight, increases stamina to perform physical tasks...

Wednesday, 22 October 2014

Abraham Lincoln's letter to his son's teacher

Abraham Lincoln's letter to his son's teacher:


Respected Teacher,

My son will have to learn I know that all men are not just, all men are not true. But teach him also that for ever scoundrel there is a hero; that for every selfish politician, there is a dedicated leader. Teach him that for every enemy there is a friend.

It will take time, I know; but teach him, if you can, that a dollar earned is far more valuable than five found.

Teach him to learn to lose and also to enjoy winning.

Steer him away from envy, if you can.

Teach him the secret of quite laughter. Let him learn early that the bullies are the easiest to tick.

Teach him, if you can, the wonder of books.. but also give him quiet time to ponder over the eternal mystery of birds in the sky, bees in the sun, and flowers on a green hill –side.

In school teach him it is far more honourable to fail than to cheat.

Teach him to have faith in his own ideas, even if every one tells him they are wrong.

Teach him to be gentle with gentle people and tough with the tough.

Try to give my son the strength not to follow the crowd when every one is getting on the bandwagon.

Teach him to listen to all men but teach him also to filter all he hears on a screen of truth and take only the good that comes through.

Teach him, if you can, how to laugh when he is sad. Teach him there is no shame in tears. Teach him to scoff at cynics and to beware of too much sweetness.

Teach him to sell his brawn and brain to the highest bidders; but never to put a price tag on his heart and soul.

Teach him to close his ears to a howling mob… and to stand and fight if he thinks he’s right.

Treat him gently; but do not cuddle him because only the test of fire makes fine steel.

Let him have the courage to be impatient, let him have the patience to be brave. Teach him always to have sublime faith in himself because then he will always have sublime faith in mankind.

This is a big order; but see what you can do. He is such a fine little fellow, my son.

Rules of kin ball

KIN-BALL www.kin-ball.es: http://youtu.be/iK5DW7SCKfw

Kin ball best moments

Best moments Kin-Ball Senior M World Cup 2009: http://youtu.be/pgxVZ6RHs4o

Tuesday, 7 October 2014

The pupil

For you, little Prince...
Every day I see you when I explain the exercises and different games...
Big smile
Shiny eyes...
I know your family situation...
I know that you have problems...
When you are at school...
You are the best...
Professional student...
Excellent person...
An example for all...
You are the best teacher!
With problems in your house,
Always smiling...
Children, the best teachers!

Tuesday, 16 September 2014

Rules in PE

It's very important in this subject to respect the rules accorded at the beginning of the course!
1.Respect people and materials.
2. No violence physical or verbal.
3.Bring a soap and a little towel for cleaning face and hands after lesson.
4. Start lessons doing a little circle for explaining the objectives and some recommendations about the day.
5.Raise the hand for interventions and not interrupting others.
6.Finishing the class we will make another circle for speaking about how was the lesson.
7.All students help for keeping PE materials.
8.After class, in the toilet, students will wash their hands and face.
9.Care their personal material and school's material.
10. To be good person with their partners and teachers!!!