Monday 2 January 2023




One of the most unknown sports of the Olympic Games is fencing. Our boys were aware of all the sports and fencing was not going to be less. Cobito was always fascinated by the whole world of swords since he read Alejandro Dumas' work"The Three Musketeers." The play tells the feats of a young D'Artagnan who, saying goodbye to his parents, left his house to go to Paris, in search of honors and adventures. D'Artagnan only carried his horse, a beautiful sword that his father had given him and a handful of coins. The trip was very long until he arrived in Paris and along the way he met some gentlemen with whom he had to fight. D'Artagnan was brave and daring, he was not afraid of anyone. When he arrived in Paris, he went to meet Mr. Treville, who was the captain of the musketeers. D'Artagnan soon met the three most famous musketeers in Paris: Athos, Porthos and Aramis with whom he initially had several encounters. At that time, people were very easily offended and when this happened they fought in duels using swords. This happened to D'Artagnan with the three musketeers. The day he had met them to fight, about 15 guards of Cardinal Richeliu appeared there.
What are you doing, musketeers? Are you going to fight in a duel? Don't you know that it's forbidden?
Cardinal Richeliu's guards and Mr. Treville's musketeers could not be seen, they were fatal. But DÁrtagnan couldn't imagine that that exchange of pulls was going to end in a full-blown confrontation! The ladybug was put together!DÁrtagnan didn't think about it, he drew his sword and started fighting next to the three musketeers, putting their rivals on the run. And from this anecdote, the motto of One for all and all for one! which refers to the importance of teamwork and collaboration between them to achieve things.(Adaptation The Three Musketeers. Alejandro Dumas)

See chapter of the previous fragment.

The fencing
Fencing is an elegant, feminine and masculine sport, dating back to very ancient times: the ancient Egyptians already dressed with wooden sticks. It consists of a fight between two people, with a knife (flower, sword or saber) and on a rectangular track. The purpose is to touch the opponent with the paint of the weapon on certain parts of the body. He tries to dodge the attack and counterattack. Grimists earn a point for each headdress. The first one with 15 headdresses wins the fight. Concentration and strength are important in fencing. Fencers must have good reflexes and good technique, and must be able to detect the weak points of their adversary to plan the attack.
Fencing is one of the eight sports included in the first Olympic Games of the Modern Era in 1896. It is the only Olympic sport of Spanish origin.
Fencing in English is fencing.

The fencing material

MASK.That protects the face with a stainless steel mesh on the front and a canvas beet for the neck.
GLOVE.- Made of leather or reinforced fabric to protect the armed hand. It usually has an extension that covers the forearm to prevent the weapon from entering the sleeve.
A WHITE SUIT.- consisting of pants and jacket. The pants cover up to the knees and the jackets are usually kevlar which is the material of the bulletproof vests.
WHITE SOCKS AND SNEAKERS with reinforcements on the sides.

If you can't watch the video, click HERE

The track

The fencing track is about 14 meters long and about 2 meters wide. It is divided into three parts, center line, guard line and warning line. If a shooter crosses the warning line, the referee says "stop."

The referee
  • "On guard." - The shooters will be placed on the line of on guard. This happens whenever an assault is started and after an assault.
  • "Ready".- Once the shooters are on guard, the voice is given having to respond to the shooters; if they do not answer, it is considered affirmative.
  • "Go ahead." - When the players are on guard and prepared, the assault begins.
  • "Stop".- The fight stops with the voice of "Stop" of the main referee after a headdress. In that case, the shootersare placed on the guard lines.
What do we have to learn to get started?

1. Regards. To indicate respect for the adversary and sport. At the beginning and end of all fights and lessons.
  • Stand upright with the heels together at a right angle.
  • The view addressed to the person who receives the greeting. The weapon is directed from tip to bottom to blade on the chin, the mask under an unarmed arm.
  • The armed arm ends under the mask.
Watch the video

Motor task 1: practice the greeting several times until it goes well

2. The Guard.- "Prepare for attack, counterattack and defense" the initial assault position.

When: at the beginning or after the completion of any of the fencing actions.
  • Legs: Tip of the foot, knee, hip and hand armed in the same direction.
  •  Feet apart the width of the shoulders. Conductive foot directed towards the adversary and open retarded foot (90o angle).
  •  Bent knees.
  • Weapon arm: Attitude of the folded arm arm holding the weapon without pressing and the tip directed at the opponent.
  • Unarmed arm: Shoulder relaxed arm over the shoulder with bent elbow and rested hand (like the tail of a scorpion)
Motor task: practice the on-call position several times until it goes well.

3. The displacements: MARCH, BREAK, BOTTOM AND ARROW.

With displacements we intend to create a timely distance to touch our opponent. This must be during the entire assault as an attack or as preparation for the attack. It is necessary to maintain balance between the two legs (like sitting in a chair). You should avoid raising your hip during the movement.
  • In MARCH, move the foot forward looking for the floor with the heel, without dragging feet and pushing with the back foot.
  • In the BREAKmove your foot from the back looking with the tip and then the heel, without dragging feet.
  • BACKGROUND.Attack movement, explosive and more used to touch the opposite., movement of the armed arm extending forward, throwing the front leg and ankle a little below the height of the knee. The back leg is completely extended. The body as vertical as possible and the back arm extends parallel to the extended leg.

  • ARROW.- Throw the body forward, dropping the weight on the forward leg, remaining bent. The arm armed in line with the blade, completely stretched, points towards the target. Finally, to avoid falling, the previously overdue leg will occupy an advanced position to regain balance.

This element consists of making an imbalance of the body forward, dropping the weight on the forward leg, remaining flexed.

Immune system

Motor task: practice moving forward and backward, the bottom and the arrow several times until it goes well.

4. The whites

Look at the following illustration. Depending on which weapon we use, we can touch one part of the body or another. In the flower only the trunk, in the sword all over the body and in the saber trunk and mask.
We will only play with the white of the flower.

The fencing lines divide the valid white of the opposite into 4 imaginary portions.
Depending on where we want to go, our armed hand will take one position or another.
Notice that the outer area is the area where we have the flower. If we are left-handed, it would be the left area.


5. Hand actions

The hand can take a total of 8 positions. These can be classified according to putting the fingers up (supposition) or down (pronation).

  • Supination: sixth, fourth, eighth and seventh.
  • Pronation: third, fifth, second and first.

Do you remember the lines we saw a little higher up?

These divide the body into four zones with two perpendicular imaginary lines, one that runs through the spine and the other goes horizontally to the chest, depending on the area we want to touch, the hand adopts 8 positions.

They can also be classified into:

  1. External upper line: sixth and third positions.
  2. Internal high line: fourth and fifth positions.
  3. External low line: eighth and second positions.
  4. Internal low line: seventh and first positions.

Movements of guard, defense

Attacks on the lines

Grips of the flower, sword, saber.

Women's World Championship Final

The video is narrated in English, don't worry, the important thing here are two things: look at how they play and what loose words you are able to understand. Cheer up!

Men's Olympic Final at the 2012 London Olympics

To find out more...

  1. Make a flower with the help of your parents. The best material to do it is the churro to learn to swim (it's a soft material). You can also do it with the polyethylene insulator that is used in heating and plumbing.
  2. Here are some ideas with other material for its elaboration:
    1. Video 1.
    2. Video 2.
  3. Motor tasks:
    1. Practice the greeting.
    2. Study and learn the "On guard" position.
    3. Practice traveling:
      1. From "On guard" move forward. (walk) and back (break).
      2. Practice the attack movements.The background and the arrow.
    4. Family with the flower.
    5. With a balloon, hit the balloon with the flower and practice the different positions of the hand.
    6. Hit the balloon with the flower while practicing the movements.
    7. Previous Idem but hit the balloon only with the tip of the sword.
    8. With a partner, try to steal his balloon.
    9. Couples. Grief. Each one with a balloon, they try to steal the opponent's balloon by keeping his own in the air. The one who falls to the ground loses. He then returns to the guard position.
    10. On a sheet of paper with the following drawing. Stick it on a door, wall, tree...
      1. From a short distance, touch the third sector.
      2. Tap with a step forward to the third sector, guard and step back.
      3. Touch the fourth sector with a bottom, break and guard.
      4. Tap sector two with an arrow.
      5. Advance two or three steps and touch with the bottom.
      6. On guard, advance two steps with an armed arm in line, break, move forward again and bottom.
      7. Make runs with the correct guard position.
      8. Move backwards without crossing your legs and keeping your armed arm in line.
      9. Lock the partner's sword and back (break) correctly. If someone is touched, the fight stops and returns to the guard position at the beginning. Always like that.
      10. We remember that to attack:
      • External upper line: sixth and third positions.
      • Internal high line: fourth and fifth positions.
      • External low line: eighth and second positions.
      • Internal low line: seventh and first positions.

In pairs.

To relax at the end of the day:

Do the following yoga exercises this week before going to bed.

30 seconds. 2 times

15 seconds. 2 times

20 seconds on each side. 2 times

10 seconds. 4 times

15 seconds on each side. 2 times

  • Make a drawing of Cobi fencer (they are also called shooters)
  • Watch the chapter of Dartacan and the three mosqueperros as a family. You can also watch the movie of the three musketeers. 
  • Take a photo by doing some task of the proposals. Send along with the Cobi drawing to (At the end of the quarter a video souvenir album will be made. If they have not given authorization, they can take a photo from behind or put an emoji.
  • Make a flower with soft material (foam from the churros of the pools, polyethylene that covers pipes, paper, cardboard...)
  • Learn how to do the greeting, the guard, attacks and defenses. Practice some of the proposed motor tasks.
  • Yoga exercises proposed before going to bed.
  • Be happy and love each other.

It is recalled that for the EVALUATION of the third quarter it is necessary to present the requested work and to carry out the proposed motor tasks.

On guard

Cobi fencer

On guard!

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Sunday 25 December 2022


The motivated student manifests himself in the class group through different behaviors: he is active, he is exhausted, he attends to explanations, he even questions them, he helps his classmates, he wants to do more, he is ahead of his turn, he is happy, he is interested in his performance , he repeats his exercises and trains outside of school, in two words, he feels pleasure and desire to exercise and learn physical education.

Motivation has been conceived by many authors as an impulse within the organism.  For others, however, it comes from external objectives. Motivation could be defined as any affective tension, any feeling capable of triggering and sustaining an action towards an end.

Tuesday 29 November 2022

The evaluation

 The evaluation will be global and continuous. An initial evaluation will be made at the beginning of each DU. The evaluation will also be done during the T-L process and at the end of each DU, this being the starting point for the next unit.

Likewise, the evaluation will be objective and subjective, evaluating both quantitative and qualitative aspects.

It is also important the self-evaluation by the student and the self-evaluation of the teacher on his professional work and that allows a self-reflection on his practice.
In the evaluation, as I have previously indicated, three moments are distinguished: at the beginning, during and at the end of the DU. During these moments, the teachers will take note of the level of knowledge or physical level that the students have, in such a way that they can offer them the best possible feedback.

The evaluation in Physical Education becomes a valuable tool to carry out the follow-up, evaluation and improvement of the processes that allow learning to be achieved, therefore, learning and evaluating go hand in hand. Consequently, the evaluation must be continuous, formative, integrating and shared, not being reduced to a specific moment, it will contemplate the progression of the students and will attend to the different rhythms and starting points.

 The associated evaluation instruments will be varied and endowed with diagnostic and improvement capacity, prevailing the instruments related to observation techniques and techniques of analysis of student performance, with respect to those other instruments linked to performance techniques. In the Physical Education area you can use: the teacher's notebook; the tabs of the session; the student notebook; self-assessment by the teacher and the student through sheets, questionnaires and reflections on the level of motor skills acquired, coexistence within the group and motivation towards the area; the individual and group co-evaluation sheets, in this way the students themselves learn and evaluate the competences acquired by their classmates, the dynamics of thought and reflection, the tests or final productions and also the instruments created by the teachers themselves.

Thursday 24 November 2022


a) Psychomotor development

• Passage from the global movement to the differentiated one.
• Functional independence.
• Right-left independence of the arms and legs with respect to the trunk.
• Transposition of self-knowledge to knowledge of others.
• Autonomy when preparing and carrying out a task.
• Has fully developed laterality.
• In spatial orientation, he will go from projective space to a true space in which he respects proportions and measurements.
• Is able to estimate durations with some precision.
• Due to all these evolutions, it is the most suitable stage for practicing team games.

b) Socioaffective development

• The first differences between the social behavior of boys and girls appear. sexual identification.
• Reduction of the group of friends: creation of gangs with close ties between their members.
• Opposition to the social world and age of secrets.
• Good relationship between the adult and the teacher.
• Beginning of puberty, appearance of intimacy.
• Childhood maturity stage: reactivation of repressed childish tendencies, which contrasts with adolescent behaviors or that are close to adulthood.
• The "popular", the "leaders" and the "rejected" emerge.

c) Intellectual development

• The period of abstract thought begins.
• Separation of the inner world from the outside and constitution of a relatively complex system of values ​​with rules of the game, social conduct...
• Not only accumulates data but is capable of formulating hypotheses explaining things.
• He gradually acquires a command of attention, depending on the interest that the activity arouses in him, but it will not be until later when the habit of understanding appears.
• Imagination suffers a halt because all knowledge must go through verification.


Wednesday 23 November 2022

PE in the primary education


The Physical Education area in the primary education stage faces a series of challenges that imply, among others, the adoption of an active and healthy lifestyle, knowledge of one's own corporality, gender equality in society, adherence to physical activity as a life project, the approach to cultural manifestations of a motor nature, the integration of responsible attitudes with the environment or the development of decision-making processes that intervene in the resolution of motor situations.

For all these reasons, this area contributes to building a true competence that goes far beyond the motor, reporting innumerable benefits in neurocognitive development. The social development of the student is encouraged by offering scenarios for personal acceptance and the resolution of conflicts between equals and paths are opened to develop the emotional intelligence of the student body, being for all this, an area of ​​capital importance for the integral development of the student body.

These tools should be used to lay the foundations that allow students to consolidate habits in the compulsory secondary education stage to later perpetuate them.

The Physical Education area aims to give continuity to the learning acquired through the areas of Communication and Representation of Reality and Growth in Harmony in the early childhood education stage. In addition, the training that the students acquire has its continuity in the Physical Education subject that they will receive in compulsory secondary education, providing a sequenced and progressive learning throughout the different educational stages.


The Physical Education area allows students to develop the necessary skills to achieve the objectives of the primary education stage, in the following terms:

Through respect and tolerance in the development of motor practices, through the constructive resolution of possible conflicts that may arise in collective motor situations or showing attitudes contrary to violence in the habitual practices of the area, it contributes to the students knowing the rules of coexistence and learn to act in accordance with them, as well as the knowledge and appreciation of the values ​​that allow you to respect others and their rights.

It also contributes to the development of individual and, especially, team work habits, as well as the promotion of habits of effort and discipline, thanks to the practice of exercises and physical activities, highlighting the importance of perseverance when facing mistakes. as learning opportunities, as well as anxiety management.

Likewise, the work on content related to emotional management, social skills and fair play allows students to acquire skills for the peaceful resolution of conflicts and the prevention of violence in the field of the subject itself, extrapolated to the school environment. , family and social.

In addition, through the treatment of mental and social health contents, through the development of positive relationships in functional contexts of physical and sports practice, especially those linked to artistic-expressive culture and sport as a cultural manifestation, students will be able to understand and respect different cultures, the differences between people, equal rights and opportunities for men and women, and will generate rejection behaviors in situations of discrimination.

This area also contributes to the appropriate and functional use of the Spanish language and the development of reading habits. The search for information through different media, the reading, analysis and interpretation of texts related to the area and the realization of works, together with the use of oral and/or written language to present them and express ideas and arguments, will help their achievement.

Likewise, the learning of terms related to foreign languages ​​and their use in contexts of motor practice or in more theoretical situations, will contribute to the acquisition by students of basic communicative competence in foreign languages.

On the other hand, carrying out estimates and elementary calculation or geometry operations, mainly linked to the organization and management of physical activity and interaction with the environment, contributes to the development of basic mathematical skills.

Carrying out physical activity in the natural environment and taking care of the body and putting into practice a healthy lifestyle will allow students to learn fundamental aspects of Natural Sciences. In the same way, the development of contents related to the cultural identity of the sport or its history, as well as the work in the practice of rhythmic activities and expressive, it will help students to also know aspects related to Social Sciences, Geography, History and Culture.

In addition, from this area, the development of basic technological skills and the promotion of a critical spirit in their use will be sought in students, thanks to the use of digital tools as a support resource and as a means of communication and obtaining information.

From the area, content related to the recognition and implementation of different artistic-expressive manifestations will be worked on, which will allow students to start building visual and audiovisual proposals.

In the same way, and in a way, from this area, situations and motor activities are presented to the students that will lead them to value hygiene and health, to accept their own body and that of others, to respect differences and use education. fitness, sports and nutrition as means to promote their personal and social development.

In the same way, the protection of the immediate environment and of the animals and plants that live in it will help students adopt behaviors that favor empathy and care.

Finally, from the Physical Education area, by interacting with the environment, content related to road education for pedestrians will be developed, which will allow the generation of autonomous, safe and healthy active mobility habits, promoting respectful attitudes that will affect the prevention of accidents. traffic accidents.