Tuesday, 29 November 2022

The evaluation

 The evaluation will be global and continuous. An initial evaluation will be made at the beginning of each DU. The evaluation will also be done during the T-L process and at the end of each DU, this being the starting point for the next unit.

Likewise, the evaluation will be objective and subjective, evaluating both quantitative and qualitative aspects.

It is also important the self-evaluation by the student and the self-evaluation of the teacher on his professional work and that allows a self-reflection on his practice.
In the evaluation, as I have previously indicated, three moments are distinguished: at the beginning, during and at the end of the DU. During these moments, the teachers will take note of the level of knowledge or physical level that the students have, in such a way that they can offer them the best possible feedback.

The evaluation in Physical Education becomes a valuable tool to carry out the follow-up, evaluation and improvement of the processes that allow learning to be achieved, therefore, learning and evaluating go hand in hand. Consequently, the evaluation must be continuous, formative, integrating and shared, not being reduced to a specific moment, it will contemplate the progression of the students and will attend to the different rhythms and starting points.

 The associated evaluation instruments will be varied and endowed with diagnostic and improvement capacity, prevailing the instruments related to observation techniques and techniques of analysis of student performance, with respect to those other instruments linked to performance techniques. In the Physical Education area you can use: the teacher's notebook; the tabs of the session; the student notebook; self-assessment by the teacher and the student through sheets, questionnaires and reflections on the level of motor skills acquired, coexistence within the group and motivation towards the area; the individual and group co-evaluation sheets, in this way the students themselves learn and evaluate the competences acquired by their classmates, the dynamics of thought and reflection, the tests or final productions and also the instruments created by the teachers themselves.

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